Hello friends, I have installed WHAFF Battery 2 days back and Ill tell you my experience regarding it.First of all if you have installed WHAFF Battery then please uninstall it.First the very beginning it is not an battery saver application. It just make your screen timeout lower which you can do it in setting. They just pretend like it can save your phone battery.The main motive of this application is to show advertisement to us and earn money. And to pretend like they are hybernating all the application running in the background and it also fake to increase the battery life.And it also shows the fake battery size my phone has got 2000mAh battery and this application shows over 4000mAh battery.I have used many battery saving application but none of then really worked accept greenify.So, if you dont want to waste your data then please dont install this application or if you have installed it them please remove the application.