Hlo firends today I telling to you about whatsapp .
The app have verey good for free messages and also free voice and video calling by internet .
The concpet of this app is social networking and free chating with our freinds with the internet .
Whatsapp have fully loaded feature and fuction to make a easy app to use .
Feature No.1= With your whatsapp send pictures and video in short time also fast send by whatsapp .
Feature No. 2 Whatsapp gives a fuction to make a free voice call to other whatsapp user with HD quality.
Feature No. 3= You send your loaction to your friends whatsapp number. This is very good feature to send your perfact loaction with easy method.
Feature No. 4= You are a busness man our work in any industry you send many PDF for your busness you send PDF with Whatsapp to your firends number.
The Whatsapp fully usefullness to all people hwo have large firend cycle and chating with daily with your Whatsapp .
Whtasapp have very good desgin and layout of his body and also very good icon style and layout is also good .
This app is uefull to all people in the world and used this app and conneted always with your firends , family members, etc
Thanks to Whatsapp amke avery good app.