How pleasant, you can use WhatsApp now with advanced fetures around the world.
I enjoy some unique tricks in whatsapp and a very few people use these tricks. If you know thats fine otherwise you must to know:
The terrible news: Your lady has officially discovered her new most loved approach to spam you.
The uplifting news: You can withought much of a stretch stay away from her on the down- low, and that is only one of the informing administrations numerous. Mystery tips you presumably dont think about.
I love whatsapp because of these fetures.
1 I can open messages withought blue tickes.
For this when you get the message, dont open it and expel any notification. Open up Airplane mode, open whatsapp to peruse the message in full. Completely shut the aap then deactivate Airplane mode. The blue ticks wont be shown.
2 Transfer document files between you mobile and pc with whatsapp web.
3 I can impress friends by exellent new typewriter font.
4 I can find out who is talk to the most.
5 I can discover reality about where my friend is by GPS Support in WhatsApp and more things.