WhatsApps interface is spotless and straightforward, with a base nav bar for Favorites, Status, Contacts, Chats and Settings. Top picks shows your Contacts who use WhatsApp and offers the capacity to welcome contacts by means of mail, message or Twitter. Status gives you a chance to set a status like Available, Busy or In A Meeting, or clear your status.
WhatsApp as of late took off voice calling and Web informing for Android, BlackBerry, and Windows Phone clients. Months after the fact, voice calls—however not Web visit—propelled for iPhone aswell.
I needed to jump profound into menus to discover basic components, and sorting your WhatsApp contacts is staggeringly dull. WhatsApp is additionally missing elements basic in other talk customers, similar to stickers, Web visit, and live video calling. Im likewise frustrated that, while WhatsApp security is by all accounts enhancing, its not clear when or how discussions are secured.
WhatsApp is still helpful, particularly for universal calling, however with Facebook Messenger, Editors Choice Viber, Apples Messages, Google Hangouts, Skype, and much Twitters private gathering talks, I need to think about to what extent WhatsApps utility will last.