I would like to share a review on my favourite and most used app which is non other then Whatsapp .Im using this app since 2 years.In the past time we used to send SMS and Call to our friends which used charge more, after some time we started using Facebook and Messenger app.As in 2012 I buyed a android handset.The first app I downloaded from playstore was Whatsapp.The features we liked about the Whatsapp are as follows=
1-Chats are saved in offline mode too.
2-The MB used by app is real less.
3-Can share images, videos, audios with less time.
4-Doesnt require to login and logout every time
5-Emojis are also the best.
6-Can create a group with n no. of admins.
7-Can call anyone with less MB
8-Easy to operate.
9-We can get all the chat backup
There are also many features.
I bascally use this app to share notes as Im a college student.