I have a account in whatsapp but I am very doubtful about the security of this particular app. Since everyone is using this app for communication I am also forced to use it. Unfortunately now the whatsapp has become a platform for the wrong people to trap the good ones. For example the game momo. This is a threat toost of the users as it takes our information and blackmail us to play the game. This is a very important negative of whatsapp. Also there is lot of misguided information in the WhatsApp which the uneducated people may not be aware. Also there is a very recent harthal organised in kerala through whatsapp which affected lots of people life. If the whatapp is able to prevent the flow of wrong information from one to another it will be great advantage for the users. The protection offered by whatsapp also need improvement. It also doesnt give much importance to the personal data in our phone. Preventing executable file tranfer through whatsapp can be one method to analyse this issue.