Whatscan is an app where we can use whatsapp in mutiple devices simply by scanning the ones QR code. Once we had done this process, we can able to access whatapp in multiple devices.
For the first day its worked properly. Then I started facing too many issues with this application.
The app becomes very slow to open the unread messages. It takes long duration to open the messages.
The other issue I have been facing is connectivity problem. We can able to access other whatsapp in our mobile if they have active internet connection. Even though opponent have high speed internet connection, stil I am facing this problem. It is continuously showing that you dont have active internet connection try again in 30 seconds.
So many advertisements are displaying while using this app. This app makes me to irritate all the times. It really decreased the speed of my mobile. Sometimes my mobile is getting struck when I used this app.
The concept of this app is too good but, working is not upto the mark.
So, I am requesting everyone dont entertain this type of apps. Hope my review would help. Thank you: -)