Kindly note Any of this complaints has nothing to do with the quality of after sales service support given by Whirlpool, it is with quality of products.
This is to bring to your kind attention of Whirlpool appliancesproduct quality I own
1)A Whirlpool Refrigerator single door.
2)A whirlpool Stabilizer Duromax for Refrigerator.
3)A whirlpool Washing Machine.
The true story goes like this.
After a year of purchase of Refrigerator, It refused to start one day(I am doubtful about the timing, Just after expiry of the Warranty).A starter part was changed and the reason for the fault was voltage fluctuation, I was recommended a Stabilizer by engineer, I am still not convinced, that how come voltage fluctuation was the reason, The refrigerator was protected by its inbuilt statbalizer(as per the manual and sticker)+ 5kv automatic voltage regulator installed at mains.Total service cost was around 900 rs.
So here comes the Whirlpool Stabilizer for my Whirlpool refrigerator, Now the after 3 months of purchase, It started creating problem, TheWait red colored led does not automatically switches to Green OK LED and I have to manually switch off the Stabilizer to make it work.i have already loged a complaint with No.HR1211003547 and awaiting for the engineer.
Now just after a year of purchase of whirlpool Washing machine it is making a loud noise(I am again doubtful about the timing, Just after a year, But thankfully its under warranty), Loged a complaint no is: HR1211003383 awaiting for the engineer.
I seriously want to know is, why whirlpool making such substandard product that just last for some months or year or 2?And its not a coincidence all three of them from Whirlpool, this will certainly refrain me to buy any whirlpool product in future and will definitely will not recommend to my family or friends (always remember Mouth publicity let it be positive or negative is very effective).I just want Whirlpool to look into there Product Quality standards or else face the destiny which didnt seems to be brighter as of now.