My Story aint different from others as Me too a sad and dissatisfied customer of the hyped American WHIRPOOL brand purchased a whirlpool refrigerator 350 Icemagic in 2002 with a proud sticker displaying big 7 Years Guarantee and the very first year faced a Kaput of some electronic controller module. Upon calling the SVC Centre I got my biggest shock when I learnt that the actual warranty was only for a year and I happened to just complete 13 months ( a phenomenon thats usually programmed I guess!). I questioned the deaf years why didnt the salesman clarify this when he sold it to me. Anyway, paying a charge of Rs.3500/- for the replacement spares and visit Fees was the only option I had.
The Engineer who Visited to service also collected an AMC charge for that year which was another Rs.3500/- for my good and now the Fridge was covered for 3 times the cost as compared to the AMC offered during sale. But good that I did the AMC as the fridge ( the same component) gave way again within the second year. The visiting Engineer rectified the problem though, said a stabilizer need be installed (worth Rs.5000/-) to protect the fridge from spikes and surges.
Now this was taking my nerve. I flatly refused to his offer and said, firstly we dont have a power fluctuation problem as we are staying in a megapolis city of Mumbai and if it is still required it may be very well installed, but at the cost and consequences of WHIRLPOOL.