If you r going for it I wont stop u from doing so, certainly the US flag on the items looks like a seal of quality. I wont comment about the quality because I have recently got one and like any other refrigrtor this one also converts water to ice ( even my last one which I sold for 2000/- did so.)
Problem comes when u ask the firm for any maintenance and then one discovers that this is being run by total desis. Just no commitment.
THey will ask u all questions like a mnc... When do u want our engineer to vist.
... Thankx etc etc
Now engineer will visit at his own convenience not as per your.
More than one will visit.
ALl of them will again ask you ... what is the problem.
After a week problem remains but these engineers stop ringing ur door bell at odd hours u feel relieved.
Problem remains.
U again call them up and to ur surprise.. u have to again explain what is wrong. Sir as per our records the job is completed comes the response from whirlpool helpdesk. u explain them that in the worksheet u have mentioned the problem persists. Sir that might be your copy but my computer says problem rectified comes the reply.
Again start from step 1.
I have done this thrice. Now called up their head office. Again repeat from step 1. This time I got only assurance and only difference was that their nobody visited and we were not disturbed.
Moral of the story. Problem will remain, If you do not want to be disturbed dont complain.