I personally would suggest every buyer to not to go with whirpool refrigerator. I purchased refrigerator abt 4+ years back. But I am not at all satisfied with the product. In the first 2 years of purchase its gas leaked out and we have to pay hefty amount to get it rectified. Now few days back my fridge again was not in working condition, I called whirlpool customer care executive and after my lodging of complaint they cam e to my home and said that compressor is not working. I said Ok what should b my next step, since compressor has 5 year warranty few days are left for its expiry. They said we would take fridge to workshop and then report you back with new condense. I was Ok with it.
Now a week has passed, first of all they never intimate us the status, secondly after 4-5 calls to them they told me that condenser along with many other things are also in bad shape.They have listed me an expenditure of about 5-6000 rupees. Also one week has passed they are not even conveying the exact reason of why fridge is not working. Fridge is an essential commodity of home, I am in a very bad situation at home as I have to manage all without fridge for my husband and kids. Earlier I fought with my husband to go for best brand, though it was costly than all other brans available then in the market
I am very very disappointed with the refrigerator as well as whirlpool service.