Ease Of Use - Its very easy to use as it doesnt have much of features and just support basic purpose. Washing and Dryer is separate so it is easy for the user to understand that it has to be taken care separately.
Durability - Though this is a basic model, it carriers a high value for money and performance is the best. However, if we keep the Washing Machine serviced once in every 3 months, the working condition or the performance will be accurate and will not trouble the user. It is very much durable for me.
Ease Of Cleaning - Yes, it is very easy to clean the Washing Machine.
Style & Design - I wont say that the Washing Machine is with an extra ordinary style and design. However, for the price and requirement, this is the cool model I would say.
Service and Support - Whirlpool Support system is really awesome. We had to contact them only once for the sake of the installation and getting the warranty paper stamped. They are very polite and highly professional and on time too!