My microwave oven VIP 275 stopped functioning .My ovem was under Annual maintenance contract of "ELITE", which claims for the peace of mind. I diaaleeed the service centre at KOLKATA, India. Service personel came inspected and said that PCB is not working. Service centre changed the PCB inapproximately 1.5 months without any cost BUt after repeated call ( PEACE OF MIND ?) Still then , it was not functioning. The machine was then collected aftre a gap of 15 days, ( VERY QUICK SERVICE?). The machine is still lying with workshop since 1.5 months and still not repaied?I dialled today, response came it will be rectified as soon as parts beceome available?( Again a big gamble of PEACE OF MIND). This time, it was said now magnetron is not working.and service centre claimed its cost is to be paid by customer. When I insisted that my machine is under AMC of Elite group, they asked me to fax the paper.(Still higher stage of peace of mind....). The machine is only approximately 3.5 years old.So TOTAL time spent is approximately 4 months in the service centre with definitely COMPLETE PEACE OF MIND.
So while taking product, it must be cheched how service centre is working/
My experince is utterly poor with the service centre when I am having AMC of "Elite" with the company.