Ah! feels good to be back after quite some time.
i read this book about a year or so ago for the first time - its a very small publication, about 30 or 40 pages, if I remember right.
its basically a set of comparisons about two people and two mice. thats right - mice, as in mouse.
this great book is about how different kinds of people perceive the changes that happen in their lives (sure, it seems to concentrate mostly on corporate happenings, but its got messages for all of us).
there is one kind who likes to look at change as something not to be thought of at all, and if it happens, this sort of person just stops. right there. no action there.
the other kind is one who treats change as ever-present, and consciously adjusts lifestyle and all.
read the book, then you decide what youd rather be. or already are.
the one single thing that struck me as most effective in this book, is the many full-page, terse sayings (quotable quotes, if you will) that accompany every little fork in the road.
by equating humans who hanker after many things to mice who need only cheese, the author has put a lot of huge things into very understandable perspective. the best part of this book is the very language used - simple, humorous, to the point.
there are millions of books out there that are just waiting to form part of a good library, and I feel this is one of the later good ones.
by the way, it took me about 10 minutes to read the book, and a lot more to write this review!