Wikipedia - - is your free online Encyclopedia based on GNU FDL (Free Document License)
Wikipedia is free, its editable by anyone and best of all - accessible through web browser, WaP technologies and via several languages - Japanese, Hindi, French, German and many more.
Wikipedia calls its site wiki - meaning anyone can edit articles posted in the Encyclopedia.
When I first came across this site - I found it too good to be true. All this content being written by various netizens from around the world. Such quality, accuracy - and above all - for free. Downloadable, sharable for anyone, anywhere! Wow!
Even Reliance Mobile uses Wikipedia service on its wap enabled phones. So - whenever I need information on any topic under the sun - Wikipedia is my destination - through computer or my wap enabled phone.
What is Democratic National Convention (DNC)?,
What was the Civil War all about?,
What is Nanotechnology?,
A Brief on Jain Religion,
................All these and more topics - from various fields of human knowledge all collected and archived superbly by Wikipedia Foundation Inc.
And since its free - for access and download - Wikipedia happens to run through donations. So if you feel that Wikipedia is that information treasure chest you have been looking for - do make a donation to them!
You can also download their huge database - containing all articles in the Encyclopedia. If you do it, pls. do make several copies and distribute it.
General Knowledge guru you are? Then go ahead and share it with the world by posting them via Wikipedia! :)
Wikipedia Foundation also has other arms:
-> Wikitionary - A Dictionary and Thesaurus. 43126 definitions or articles posted on Wikitionary already!
-> Wikibooks - is a collection of free textbooks with supporting book-based texts, that is being written collaboratively on the website. The site is a WikiWiki, meaning that anyone, including you, can edit any book module by clicking on the edit this page link that appears in every Wikibooks module. The project was started on July 10, 2003 and there are 3772 modules that are being worked
-> Wikiquote - is a free online compendium of quotations in every language, including sources (where known), translations of non-English quotes, and links to Wikipedia ( for further information. Wikiquote has 1378 pages so far with thousands of quotations and proverbs.
-> Wikisource - Free source Documents.
This site is a repository of source texts in any language which are either in the public domain, or are released under the GFDL. Wikisource currently has 2768 pages.
Wikimedia Meta Wiki is the co-ordinator for all Wikimedia projects.
Sites like are rare - few and far between the vast ocean of the Internet. Its altruistic in its mission. The cause is simple and straight - Information / Knowledge to ALL! Amen to that!
I believe that in life - every human being - has a right to access such encyclopedic knowledge. Once people have the power of Knowledge in their hands, once they are capable of seeing the huge varied choices before them - of religious beliefs, of professional practice, of political beliefs, of travelling, once they are capable to just make a sound decision - Human Society will then truly enable itself to launch itself on a trajectory of Progress - and for once - all Humanity shall be a part of it :)
Technology is a powerful weapon. Lets use this for knowledge and peace (as much as we can!).
As Spiderman would say - With Great Power comes Great Responsibility! Amen to that!
NOTE: Pls. refer this site to as many students and folks interested in general knowledge acquisition!