Well when I got hold of this DVD my first instinct was to do what I Would have done in school fast forward to the scenes and then return it to the friend I borrowed it from ........... but something made me watch this movie just to see what it was all about, to say I wasnt expecting much, was an understatement.
That said in fact this movie didnt offer to much in terms of entertainment, but it offered to much in other departments namely.
1)To many twists all of which you knew, or guessed at least a few minutes and more before they happened. (warning I guess them 9.9 times out of 10 but these were to obvious and the legendary scene does a huge damage on this front too).
2)To many explanations!!! Dude we are not that dumb and we dont need to know everything, theorising what happens is a lot of fun.
What this movie didnt have enough of was Denise Richards, she was way too hot and even though I didnt watch it I would recommend you watch the UNRATED version. At least if there were some more sexual tension in this movie then we could have had a sexy and entertaining thriller like basic instinct.
The acting was surprisingly good not that you expect much from such a film but there are a few fine actors in this movie and they have done a good job.
P.S Both the women look anything but 18, the age they are supposed to play also Matt Dillon looks out of place, the casting was not the best but no ones complaining.
I kind of liked the background score as and when it was used it was one of the saving graces in this otherwise ordinary movie.
All said and done this movie is not that bad a package provided you watch the unrated version, are really bored, wish to know how and where they fit in the legendary scene and love watching a movie and guessing the twists.
More like a last choice but watchable nonetheless remember to rent the UNRATED version though.