Wildcraft bags are very very excellent bags.This compnay bags are not so famous.but they any company of bag didnt get quality as this bags.
First I was using the other compnies bags but they were getting teared because of heavy weight which I was carrying from that bags. Once my friend told to buy this bag I buyed that bag and I was very happy beacuse of that bag which was new to me in best price. Actually other compnies didnt give warranty but wiladcraft gives 5years warranty form company on chains, and many more parts of bag.
Design of bags is also very good the shape and sizes are also very good. They can be used for any purpose.
The treakings bags are also available which are very very awesome bags with awesome quality and warranty also of 5 years.
So friends want to Buy bags so I recommend you that the wildcraft compny os very best bags compny I hav ever seen.