Right from the trash bin, Absolute loosers, bunch of amateur clowns, Never trust their words ........
Charges vary from house to house even in the same building, like a fish market where the same fish could be sold at a different price. Hats off to the rude and well trained tricky staff.
They talk to you as if they are doing a big favour. When your service is down which is a weekly experience, get ready to make atleast ten calls and hear the most wierdest excuses (different everytime), most common one being WE ARE UPGRADING but the totla boss, talks to you instantly if you insist , ready with a new improved excuse.
Finally they blame the cable wire for the slow speed and ask you to pay for reinstallation of the cable which is 3 times the market cost and provides the same speed as the old cable wire. Their connection in the beginning is average but shortlived.
Its a simple trick cos their target is to get the installation charge which varies from anything they can pull. If you are dissatisfied with their service within a weeks time, then you loose the installation charge and they very well KNOW hat the customer is TRAPPED.
And yes, they have the worst cable TV service too with some channels freezeframed or disappearing for days together. Just check out their website which is just a silly joke and of no use at all.