I still remember the day I got my computer and decided to have a net connection ! Due to the immense phone bills by the dial up system I was suggested the connection through cable ! Little did I know that wincable would actually acquire the title of the year for being the worst connection one can ever have !
The first day they spoke to me very nicely convincing me that I was getting a fair deal and can log on anytime ! and moreover NO PHONE BILLS ! that was the actual key sentence !
I should compliment them for the service they provided ! Imagine the effeciency of getting the installation work done in 5 days ! after all that I logged on and after typing the required details I was happy to see a box written Successfully logged on ! Yes ! I did log on successfully but couldnt browse ! now thats what I call getting logged on !The entire day I was just logged on !
Tring tring in my sweetest tone I asked them Is there a problem ? I was asked a couple of questions ! Madam can I know from where you are calling ? Your name ? your address ? can I have your telephone number please ? Madam Ill just see whats the problem and get back to you within 15 minutes ? I sometimes think they can be good teachers and can train children to memorize their address and telephone numbers as one has to repeat the answers to these very questions a couple of times !
This has been one of my most frequent conversations with them ! and its been really so frequent that sometimes I actually call up saying my name is jaya calling from so and so and is the net going to be on in 15 mins ! But ! still they have no shame and theyll say Yes mam there is a problem with the server it should begin within 15 mins or Yes mam there is a problem in the route .. our technicians are working on it .. please wait or even a better excuse saying Yes mam well just send one of our technicians to your place right away but somehow the technician never finds the way to my house and the 15 mins even go on to 15 days !!!!
The staff is higly unorganised and for them customer service is not of any importance ! one can actually hear the staff laughing at times and they are very good at testing ones patience ! All I can say is that according to me they should be given a trophy for being the worst ! absolutely worthless !!
But I totally agree with the name they have kept for themselves !
W I N cable Worst In Net cable !!!!