Windows phone have become very common smartphones between us but market of android is very large and wide because android has variety of apps . IOS also has bigger market than windows. The difference between android and windows is that windows cant compromise with security. Security is first priority for windows and ios.
Thats why windows cant provide every app which is available in android. Some apps in android which can create security issue for windows are not available for windows phone. I would suggest you that you should not compare windows with android. Because windows phone are phones which are made to use for professional purpose not for gaming and entertainment.
Windows phone can be compared to iPhone(ios). Because for both windows and ios security is first priority. For professional purpose windows are best smartphones. They are free from worst apps which creates security issues. Thats why windows phone didnt face the problem of virus whereas android always suffers from this issue. So I would suggest that you should not judge windows phone on own parameters. First decide for what purpose you are buying smartphone professional or personal.