All MS Windows users(legal users of course!) should seriously consider coming together to sue Microsoft. It would be very interesting to devise a method to measure the productivity losses world wide due to "crashes" and instability in Windows and the applications that comes with Windows(like Internet Explorer). Will we ever put up with such crap in another product? Say, you are traveling in a car and suddenly it shuts down in the middle of road, will you have all the patience to swtich off all the other devices within the car and restart the car twice a day? How about re-starting your TV, washing machine, oven or mixer while you are half way through the job?
The thing about suing comes from the fact that my brand new Windows Vista keeps downloading huge "patches" right from the day I bought the laptop. And all these are "critical" patches as MS calls them. Now will MS pay for all this downloads through my expensive internet connection? Why did they sell the product without these "critical" features? Dont tell me that new features will need to be updated every other day in a brand new software. How about buying a brand new car and asking the owner to come back to the assembly line every month to get some "critical" stuff added to the car?
All said and done, we will continue to be very patient with MS, buy new produts from them and we will also spend our time and money to report the Windows error to MS. And then we will pay again to download a new "patch" to fix the error that WE reported. There will be more patches to fix bugs in the earlier patches!
People in software industry - next time when your customer asks for a "zero defect" software, ask if they use Microsoft products in their business. If yes, they will put up with anything that you deliver, dont you worry!