Xp had been haunting the computers for long and I guess it needs to be replaced. and replaced by a very promising newly emerging star named windows vista.would you like to go forth for its features. windows vista:-- Faster, more streamlined, and more helpful than in previous versions of Windows, vista rocks!!. Start menu features integrated desktop search through a new feature called Quick Search which can help you find and launch almost anything on your PC.
Just type in a word, a name, or a phrase, and Quick Search can find the right file for you. But more than that, the new start menu makes it very easy for you to navigate across all of the installed applications on your PC. Eliminating the slow performing, cascading All Programs view, the new start menu can help you get something more helping in every respect.the beauty beats all. Explorers give you more information and control while simplifying how you work with your files. you will face a very new experience and will be attracted towards its easiness.The interface is easy and consistent, whether youre browsing photos or documents or even using the new Control Panel.
Windows Vista is the first Windows operating system that has a user experience that can gracefully scale to the hard! ware capabilities of the computer it is installed on. All computers that meet minimal hardware requirements will see the Windows Vistas performance. the network experience is great and rocks the speedometers. windows Vista puts you in control of your network experience with the Network Center—the central place for all your networking needs. Network Center informs you about the network your computer is connected to and verifies whether it can successfully reach the Internet.
It even presents this information in a summary in the Network Map so you can immediately see your connectivity to the network and Internet. If a PC on the network loses Internet connectivity, you can graphically see that the link is down, and t! hen use Network Diagnostics to help determine the cause of the problem and get a suggestion for a solution. well this is a good product and will rock the stands and for the rest you need to wait, use and watch the spring roll....