A book about a true icon who dedicated his life to the development of the nation.Dr APJ Abdul Kalam has become a household name and is an epitome of dedication, hardwork and love for the motherland.
The book Wings Of Fire is all about the life and the times of this man who hails from a modest background in Rameshwaram and this book is also tribute to those who helped him at every stage in shaping his career.
This book mesmerises you by its simple narration. It is a must read for each and every true Indian who believe in their dreams and think that they can make it big on the world stage. This book is for dreamers, who believe in their dreams and strive hard to realise them.
Everytime I have gone through this book, I have discovered something new that can be learnt from it. This book is full of learnings in the form of anecdotes and the quote from various writers and texts like Khalil Gibran, Lewis Carrol, Bhagwat Gita, Holy Koran etc.
I recommend this book to one and all!
I would like to end with a quote from the book itself:
For days to come prepare ever alike,
When you are anvil bear,
When you are hammer strike.