I miss this man like anything.he was.he is my idol.i wan to try following the footsteps of this man.making my country proud and my family. As soon as this book came into the stores I brought a copy because I wanted to know how he crafted his life. The journey begins with is childhood and and he takes us to the journey till he becomes missile man and then the Hon.
President of India. May be my emotional quotient is different than you.but I cried lot of times while reading this book.not because he portrayed sympathetic approach towards his life.but because he struggled through tough times and against all odds he could make it.and I realize that I am just a lazy human who do not have fire inside to fulfill my dreams.one moral from this book is.if he can do it.why can not we? Thats the kind of thought and confidence you get from the book.
There is no point in doubting his writing skills.he was a scientist.but he has made sure that reader do not find it complex. The amazing book.must be in collection.whenever you are sad.read this book and you will know that you are much more than what you think you are.