I am not much of book reader, but books like this one force you to be one. A very inspiring book, specially for teenagers, who believe our country is worthless. It will again make you feel proud to be born in this country. This book inspires you to achieve everything from nothing to start in the beginnig, it teaches what it takes to give importance to your values than money.
It inspires you to dream, and work hard to achieve your dream. The book describes the power of self belief, and team work.
According to me this kind of books should be read by students who are at decsision making stage of there career, it will surely help them a lot. The details about Indian Space Research Organisation is very well describe, and its really very inspiring to see where and how we reached todays stage. The book also describes the importance of teamwork in an organisation. The importance of clear objective and goal of the organisation and working together to achieve the goal.