Pankaj kumar employee of wipro, his emp id is 233368 and working as Tech lead.
I want to disclose his cheapness, actually what he did in his life for his sexual satisfaction and for his own benefits. he was involved with many girls and did so many wrong things like sexual and physical, and mental harsh with them. he used them beyond the limit for his sex satisfactions. its not enough for him .during this he recorded so many phone calls, videos and saved photos with each and every girls at their sexual activities.just because of his safety.
By his soft speaking habits and behaviour, person cant think he may b this much worst, but internally he is really one of the worst. he played with girls emotions and showed them they only did wrong with him. but in his full life he only use all girls .
now even he is not good at his work place also.Before wipro he was in robert bosch, and he terminated from his job in robert bosch . he joined wipro in last year sep 2011, but till now without completion he released from more than 3 or 4 project due to his carelessness in his job . he is staying at his home and making fools to girls and his seniors in his company also.he is having black family background, from starting he was like this but nobody object from his family. by which he is feeling proud for list of girls in his in his thinking what ever he did he is not wrong, if girls did this with him then she is not good at all, he did all this cheap activities with all girls in cybercafe, restaurant, hotel and at his home also in many girls hurt ed by this all things, they requested, cried but this worst person never thought abut others feelings.
please just give Ur opinion abut this person. by which he can gt his result for his beyond limit worst work of his life.