I am in wipro for last one and a half year. And my experience with wipro is very bad. Wipro policies are worst compared with other mncs. I have completed engineering before entering here.
That was my biggest fault. Trust me, if you r an engineer then never ever think to join wipro. Normally wipro dont have enough project to allocate the employees.
Still no project. Work culture of wipro is very bad. If you are a engineer, u have to do fight with the wasians to get a project. Every project manager prefers to take a wasian because they have to give less salary than a project engineer. I was in free pool for last 1.5 year.
I am in wipro for last one and a half year. And my experience with wipro is very bad. Wipro policies are worst compared with other mncs. I have completed engineering before entering here.
That was my biggest fault. Trust me, if you r an engineer then never ever think to join wipro. Normally wipro dont have enough project to allocate the employees.
Still no project. Work culture of wipro is very bad. If you are a engineer, u have to do fight with the wasians to get a project. Every project manager prefers to take a wasian because they have to give less salary than a project engineer. I was in free pool for last 1.5 year.