I went to check out this search engine thinking it was going to be some thing really great that I might want to use.
I must say that the speed of the site was extremely fast. The plain looking page didnt excite me much but decided to search myself out any way and see what I found.
I found 9 sites that I write for supposedly and one I had never heard of or so I thought but when I opened the site sure enough I used my handle to log in and there I was and had money waiting on me so this is the good part.
However it did not find many other places that I write for so instead of my full name I typed in my handle that I use here and got exactly the same results. Typing Rose Aldrich, poetry brought me no results nor did they under short stories and I know they are out there so as far as I am concerned this search engine did not even find 50 percent of the information that should be available and was found on other search engines so I wont be using this.
When I need to look some thing up I need an answer right then and if I have to go through several sites to find it then it is useless.
The only good feature I seen was the speed but myself I will stick to my original search engine or even yahoo are much better than this one. In case your wondering my original one is ask Jeeves which I have used for 7 years and never been disappointed in.
Try running a search on yourself and see what you come up with on several search engines and then decide for yourself. I used myself as I wanted to see how accurate it is and I know the places I should be listed at.
I would not recommend this search engine at all.