Wishnet: probably the Worst net connection In kolkata
1) RTO problem almost the entire day - I get 2-3 hrs good connection state /day
2) Bad behavior by wishnet team- they doesnt knows how to behave with customers .
3) Non-existent support. The support guys will tell you to change your network mode to half duplex / full duplex everytime you call. They have no Technical knowledge whatsoever . complaint mails wont get answered either .
I was having RTO problem for almost 5-6 months(I used to get maximum 10 days uninterrupted connection per month- best case scenario), after calling their CC thousands of times, one day one tech support guy named "joy"(a retarded moron) called and compared the internet service with Telecom companies "if you dont get signal strength in one area, what a telecom provider do? -Nothing.likewise, We too cant do anything"-that was his brilliant logic.
4) Monthly rental depends on cable guys choice . They will just loot you.
Even BSNL is better than this nightmare . I finally Switching to Reliance .
Ill post this review in every online forum .
Wishnet, I wish you get bankrupt soon.