Hi guys,
Today I share my experience of wish.com with you. The experience is really awesome but little bit not.
I ordered the product on the site its name is fidget spinner first time I got the delivery early and easily.
On the movement of second time the delivery did not come in 2 or 7 business days it come after our 1.5 monthsAnd I got it.
The customer service is awesome
I like it too much the appearance and design and style of the app and website is a really amazing.
Did you lose family with a customer and the product quality is awesome
Which product you see you got it sometime justice of the product is not awesome due to the lot of reasons.
I already explain the delivery timing explained sometime the delivery is not came at the timeBut sometime delivery come in the 2 or 7 business days it is just a problem with the site.
The app and website domain is awesome it work fastly but problem is that you search the product its not find you easily that is a Main problem of the site.
Like that you search the whey protein the whey protein Shaker is come come you did not find the whey protein that is a major fault of the site Otherwise this site is awesome
So I am satisfied with this app and the site
I recommend the every online customer.
To get shopping on the site this is awesome side we know that everything that have advantages it also have a disadvantages so there is a not Big problem with wish.com