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How to deal with arrogance?
You cannot change it overnight. However, it is possible to purge it collectively. Everyone in every organization needs to maintain a log(diary- written record of day to day events) and publish it online(at least anonymously). Private managements in India wont relent easily. Also India ranks at the bottom of Transparency international ratings.
However, collectively people can make a difference. I am NOT a big fan of unions. However, if the managements cannot ship-up, be professional and just, there is only one options left. Fightback and give them a dose of their own medicine.
Bloomberg has great ethics and is willing to consider a decent story:
Try to memorize 2-3 email addresses of the customers you deal with. Contact them directly from your home or mobile and explain the need to raise the issue at the highest level.
Another great strategy to make clients of WNS accountable: Follow them on twitter and speak your mind out objectively. Follow the end customers directly and write to them. Write to the shareholders and parliamentarians worldwide.
WNS, erstwhile captive BPO of British Airways, now a vendor . or a captive bpo that pretends to be a vendor or a hybrid of both. Nobody can tell. WNS has hardly acquired any great business competing with top notch vendors of the ITES space. WNS is into all kind of fungible services. The kind of relationship that WNS shares with its clients makes it less accountable. Actually it is a fertile ground and laboratory to test Peter Principle.
I have spend over FOUR years with this company. As I do not have a god father I had to bend down on my knees and undergo worst form of torture & humiliation. However, it is standard practice. . great website to send anonymous emails without registration.
C’mmon if you have no godfather, you are not a well connected Anglo Indian, you do not know someone powerful, you are not connected to politics. You have to take the nonsense everywhere in life and still consider yourself lucky. .
its better than going to bed hungry. However one man’s food is another man’s poison. In my case WNS is/was a serious career. However, miracles happen. I am now in middle east . maybe Europe. its nobody business.This offshoring business has serious scope issues going forward. Unfortunately to make matters worse, governments in India have failed to encourage skill development, development of market economy.transparency. competition and more.
Now BPO services are the only salvation for most middle class people who are unable to get a government job and are not well connected to get a decent breakthrough in the private sector either.Tax holidays and other incentives go to ITES and not some sector where tangible change is being attempted or solid value is being added.
Undeniably it is my good fortune that there was the ITES sector. Otherwise, I do not know what would have happened to a self made person like me. I have to accept ITES(primarily BPO) saved me. One of the things I hated at WNS is the fact that people from Anglo Indian community had a upper hand and always called the final shots. Others had no such luck and had to accept themselves as second rate citizens. I am proud that I managed and learned to survive as a second class citizen.
GLOBAL PICTURE: Businesses which are well connected politchandru021y(I mean the large MNC’s) may keep this fraud going on. Home mortgage fraud, credit card fraud, Ponzi schemes, Timeshare, MLM . and others still go on.
But no middle level player in ITES sector can live in denial that ground under it’s feet has not become hollow in Europe, USA, Australia. War economies like the ones sourced from middle east and Asia may keep the developed economies going but this is no permanent fix and cannot be relied upon always or on a ongoing basis.
Analytic, Big data, . is being explored much more that ever before.
Automation is not just a buzzword anymore, it has become a necessity for survival. A paradigm shift in the way back office processing is pursued is very much on the cards. Certainly all the mindless processing may not get wiped out at one go. However, significant volumes will certainly get chipped-off. Also consolidation in his sector cannot be averted very long, now.
Business Process Outsourcing did not evoke the mindless exuberance of the dot com companies during it’s initial growth phase but has surpassed the dot com in creating bubbles as far as the viability of the business model is concerned and is comparable to the mortgage, complex derivatives & credit card scams of the west. perhaps even larger in scope. IT companies have a edge over the pure play processing companies to an extend.
Many(if not all) of the tasks will have to move to self service, anonymous secure remote assistance mode, chats or walk-throughs, .and eventually total automation cant be held back anymore. Finally as always the game of relationship building may/will triumph. Graft, greed, implicit, explicit favors, entertainment(leisure trips), slush funds. cannot be wished away completely in contracts. and that is the reality . and only constant.
Mass employment is definitely on the way out and nothing can stop its exit anymore. The biggest lie going around in the market is that Infosys followed by other Indian IT biggies, are emulating Sapient, Accenture, IBM in outsourcing complex back-office tasks. End of the day, WNS can at least take credit for one of the most lavish office interiors in it’s line of business.
CONCLUSION: In India and even in western countries, all those people who are NOT powerful themselves, NOT connected to someone powerful, DO NOT belong to a powerful or well placed community need to become stooges.
There are always two sides to a coin.
No one can deny that all BPO’s including WNS count heavily on the relationship with their client.
Actually the major ones who get complicated & more sensitive jobs get them only account of their intimacy, lack of business ethics, ……
It is nobody’s case that BPO’s who are into back office processing and servicing inbound calls of the customers can do so based on parameters like NPS, AHT, KPS or Service Level Agreement or other such parameters alone. Of course they matter but only at the peripheral level and they can always be arranged by tweaking the resources - both human and technical. When people entrust their heirloom(customers in this case), the concerned party must be known crook, with high degree of dependency on the parent or master crook. Unfortunately the parent here is most often a MNC. Fortunately no one expects MNCs to be ethical anymore.
The legal activism in western countries. freedom of the press, labor rights, labor unionism, politics, judiciary, costing, compliance, FLEXIBILITY ISSUES in labor market and others favor the outsourcing trend. Outsourcing serves as a great alibi for the managers to save their own job and skin.The only consolation is that the fault lines are now out in the open.
Long term savior: working judiciary, AAP party, freedom of press, RTI, LOKPAL.