Firstly the look and feel of the place impressed us so much that I thought this was the best place to admit my father. My father goes to Wockhardt Banerghatta road for dialysis and after 3 or 4 sessions, he developed jaundice and on further tests, the smart talking doctors at Wockhardt took us aside and told us my father had caught Hepatitis C virus which is uncurable! I was not convinced by the doctors explanation on how my father might have contracted this virus.
On further checking I realised that the dialysis center in Wockhardt does not use fresh consumables and reuses candles and tubes! So it is quite obvious that my father caught the virus from another patient in the dialysis unit. When I confronted the doctors they say "1 in every 2 dialysis patients contract Hep C worldwide". So if they do, why dint blood suck*ng money making Wockhardt doctors not be precautious about it! This is the height of negligience. Now my father cannot go for a transplant until the hep c is cured and that could take weeks and lakhs of more money going into Wockhardts pocket. As an aftermath I almost feel the hospital has inserted the virus into my fathers blood only so they can make more money.
Still trusting the doctors, we decided to get a Peritonial Dialysis unit fixed on my father so we wont risk him with more viruses like AIDS among others. We were told to go to Wockhardt Cunningham Road for the surgery. On getting admitted there, my father is not only man handled by incompetent, insensitive and inhumane nurses, but is also made to suffers jabs and pokes in the hands of junior doctors who are jabbing at him like a butcher culls a chicken trying to find his vein! And when my father protests from pain they write in his chart that he is a non co-operative and violent patient! THe next morning we are told that Wockhardt wont operate on him because he is a violent patient!
This is the heights of indecency. There is a limit of fleecing patients. I am filing a case against Wockhardt and suing them on various grounds. My lawyer has a good case ready. I heard that there are a lot of patients who have suffered similar atrocities at the hands of Wockhardt. I would genuinely be keen to rope you guys in for the suit so you can get justice too.
If you need to discuss anything, please drop in a line to
A very disturbed daughter.