On April 4th, I went to Sagar Apollo for Annual checkup. The report has revealed that I have a kidney Stone & also there was Pus Cells in my Urine. So, I took an advice from the doctor. He asked me to go for a Urine Culture test. The report of that test was negative. Then he asked me to go for IVP test (Should be the final test). In IVP test, it has been found that in my Kidney there is an obstruction (Called PUJ obstruction) & have to be removed only by surgery.
I thought to go for another advice & I consulted the doctor in St. Johns & my family doctor. Both had the same opinion. So I decided to go for a surgery. My family doctor advised one Doctor in Bangalore named Dr. Dinesh Vaidya who sits in Wockhardt hospital, Cunnigham road. So I went to see him (Though he dont remember my family doctor, may be he has treated only one or two patients of him). I showed my full reports & he also had the same opinion, surgery.
I thought to go woth this doctor only, as my family doctor advised me. I was supposed to get admitted on 5th June. I went to the hospital & have to wait hardly for 3 minutes to get a room. Staff was very polite & very helpful. They gave me & my parents a company till the room. Then they told us about the various procedures before going for surgery on 6th. Every thing was smooth on 5th.
Then the D-Day arrived. On 6th morning, 2 nurses came & checked my Blood Pressure. Then after sometime, they brought one Stretcher to take me to Operation theatre.
I was a bit nervous. But the staff made me keep my nerve cool. I reached the Operation theatre. My god. I was so nervous that I was feeling like running away from the hospital. But then, Anesthesist was trying his best to make me cool & also giving me local anesthesia. Then my Doctor came & my operation started. After couple of hours, operation ended. Everything was fine & I got shifted to recovery room for half an hour. Then, they shifted me to my room. After they shifted me too my room, my first few hours were horrible. Hell lot of pain. Doctor came after we called them twice. But that was only for that day. He gave me strong painkiller, which relieved me for sometime. That night again, I was in pain.
But this time Doctor came as soon as we called him. From 2nd Post surgerical day, I had a nice expirience with hospital. Time to time doctors used to come & do the checkup. Timely, nurses used to come to give me the medicines.
They made sure, that Ill be healed properly. Normally, the surgery I had, after that patient used to be discharged after 5 days. But in my case, I got dischaged on 4th day itself. Hospital made the paper work very easy. They made sure that, maximum of the money should be paid by the Insurance company & not by money. At the end, around 98% of the money, they took it from insurance company.
Overall, Very good attitude by doctors, . Good attitude by nurses. Nice hospital if you are undergoing a surgery.