Well, let me start by saying that between , Womans Day, Redbook, Ladies Home Journal and McCalls, there is really very little difference. But, since Im reviewing Womans Day, Ill tell you a little bit about the issue I picked up.
The issue I got had some wonderful recipes. It gave some health tips(same old same old). Had some new hairstyles(that only a hairstylist could do to my hair)and the hot topic was how to juggle work and family.
The health tips were, drink water, exercise, dont stress out. Nothing new there. The hairstyles were for people who have straight hair, oval faces(which any hairstyle is good for)and have 30 or 40 minutes to do their hair in the morning. RIGHT! I need a 5 minute hairstyle.
These topics have gotten so overplayed lately and really doesnt give any new advice. We all already know we have to make time for ourselves and spouses and children ! But most of us can not afford to hire a babysitter for the weekend and go off on a romantic holiday with our spouse. Or jump in the car and take the family away for a fun weekend at an amusement park.
Same old advice that most of us cant follow.
Then naturally, there are the pages after pages after pages of ads. And when you think youve seen enough ads, there are even more ! I know a magazine must sell ad space to cover the costs, but most of the time there are more ads than articles.
To me, in my opinion, Womans Day (as well as the others I mentioned) are all clones of one another, just trying to manipulate us into thinking that if we buy everything they advertise, and follow everything they say, in their articles, we will all be happy, healthy content people.
Tell me, if that was true and we followed everything, and we bought everything, just what would these magazines have left to write about.
Granted sometimes there really are some articles worth reading. Although most of them have been done over and over so many times in all the other magazines too.
The only thing I really gain from this magazine, is that every once in a while there is a recipe that looks real good. But to me, thats not reason enough to purchase it.