Women.com is a very large, almost infinite womens website. It has an extremely large wealth of information there for women to see. I understand that it is a very popular womens site as well.
I havent been happy with my experiences at the women.com site. There is so much information there, it looks positively cluttered, making it nearly impossible to find what you are looking for. If you actually find what you are looking for, and go back the next day to review it again, chances are it is gone, and you have to search all over again. Its like a never-ending maze.
When searching for the latest in fashion, most of what I have found has been geared to the women shaped like Calvin Klein models, and not much at all for normal women and the types of clothes we need for everyday life.
I also dont like the fact that you have to register to be able to use their message boards and other resources. It is too inconvenient, especially when you dont visit all that often.
Another thing I didnt like is that since it is so large, it has lost the personal touch. I wrote to them once needing information, and they never replied. I suppose I just prefer smaller websites that are not as concerned with the bottom line.
All in all, it does have a lot of helpful information. Just dont go unless you have lots of time to try and find what you are looking for.