Horlicks is established and authentic brand in India. We all grown up drinking Horlicks in our grown up days.
With advancement of time and technology and to combat with other health drink, Horlicks also has come a long way to launch several products for men, women, children etc.
Deficiency of Calcium is a serious problem in our country. Degenerating of bones starts at early ages for both men and women. But, it is observed that this is most acute in case of women, and this deficiency of calcium and degeneration of bones are the prime causes of disease like Osteo Arthritis.
Now, women are diagnosed with Osteo arthritis even at their 30s. Womens Horlicks is such a health drink that reduce the de-generation of bones in the body and compensate the deficiency of calcium in bones.
As my wife had severe back and knee pain( only 33), she got diagnosed with Osteoarthritis 2 years back and with other medications, physiotherapy and diet chart, doctors also advised her to drink Womens Horlicks regularly. She tried it earlier too but did not like the taste and did not continue with the drink.
But, now with the diagnosis of this serious disease, she had no other way to drink this one regularly. And, she has become 70% Ok now, yes all other medications, physio therapy, healthy protein helps her a lot, but I think the daily intake of 1 full glass of womens Horlicks has its role to play here.
With regular intake of egg and this health drink, her calcium deficiency has compensated and now it is with in normal range.
Womens Horlicks has Calcium, Iron, Vitamin C, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12, Folic Acid, Magnesium, Vitamin K, Vitamin K, etc. Magnesium and many more is good for having healthy bones.
Now, I tell her often had she started to have this health drink earlier, may be she would not be a victim of Osteoarthritis at so young age!
It is a bit costly, a 400 gm jar cost you more than Rs. 250, but for your health you have to afford it.
The taste is not good, but to be fit and healthy we have to compromise in the taste issue. So, it can not be a reason to quit this health drink!
I recommend this drink.