Another good movie from Zack Snyder after superman vs batman. Some the the audience didnt like superman vs batman because it was all serious movie and there wasnt any good humor in it.
But this time Zack didnt repeat this mistake again. And make a fabulous well directed movie. Warner Brothers works excellent with special effects. War scene scenes are made soo perfectly.
Gal Godot worked hard to tone her body for and hard train herself to for fighting sequences. And plays role or Princess Diana very well. She looks beautiful and sexy.
Chris Pine acts good in movie. He is a spy but he acts more like soldier.
I was surprised with the suspense. No one expected that sir Patrick as superpower villan. The fight looks same like superman vs batman. I am waiting for the other DC movies now. Specially Justice League.
All an all you go for it. Some of viewers dont like it. But personally for me its a good movie.