It is a beautiful tale. The story is supposed to be modern day fairy tale, on lines of the Anderson tales, but set in a more modern or should I say American setting. The tale of Dorothy and her fond dog Toto to the land of Oz, her companions on the journey viz.. A Scarecrow who thinks he has no brains, a Tinman who feels that he has no heart and a Lion who in his heart of heart thinks that he is a coward and needs courage. In the course of the journey, these individuals keep using the traits that they think they do not have. They are under the impression that the Wizard of Oz will give them what they desire. The twist in the tale is that Oz himself is a humbug and he gives them items that they presume are a brain (made of bran) a soft silk heart to the Kinman (the entire story has portrayed the Tin man to be of a very gentle nature, so he has this soft heart all along) and a courage potion to the Lion. Here too Oz gives the Lion, nothing special as the Lion, has all along shown that he has the courage, when he has fought off the Kalidahs to warding off the Witch of the West from making him her slave. Poor Dorothy though realises her potential only when the Witch of the South points out what she has been having in her or rather on her all along. The silver shoes of the Witch of the East, which can take her wherever she wants to go. Something on the lines of, if one has the will there is always the way. A very good bed-time story for the kids, although I must say that only when the adult is reading the story can bring out the traits, which the author has been trying to hint, a child to be successful to be kind hearted, thoughtful courageous and mostly importantly have faith in oneself. I have read the eBook version downloaded from, hence I have no idea of the commercial price, etc.