All the attractions are world class and very thrilling. There are water games and also normal rides.The entry ticket is 600. It may look to be costly. But when you go inside you will think that you can even pay more. They run the rides even for a small group of people. So worth for the money. One day will not be enough to enjoy all the rides. So many are there.
Few rides are named as "High Thrill Rides". Those are extremely dangerous for Old-aged and people with heart problems. But if you are determined to go for it, you can enjoy each and every bit of it. I have been in Chennai, but havent seen any such World class Amusement park. The food is ok(Neither good, nor bad).
I suggest you to go with people who have been there already as planning is very important to enjoy all the rides in the short time. Else please take advice from people who have been there. The rides other than water games(dry - rides) are more or less same which takes you to some height and turns you in all possible directions. Couples can enjoy in the "Rain Disco". Lots of attractions for Kids too.
Go fot it!