Me and my Dad love to have a collection of exotic wines and liquors, which we usually bring from around the world. Since we frequent Canada, we make sure that we do bring a liquid souvenir from the duty-free shops. And this is where Wooden Street helped us through their amazing bar cabinet.
Keeping a collection is fine, as long as you have some space to keep all the things in one-stop, secure location, rather than having everything lying around. Mom does not like it if she sees a vagrant bottle lying on the porch or in the living room, especially on weekends. And she does not like it at all when we store the liquor in kitchen cabinets.
A friend of mine told me that we could get a great bar cabinet for our home from Wooden Street. He had seen the category on the site, and suggested that I look it up and see whether I can find something which suits our needs. Me and Dad went to the site, and the first cabinet on the catalogue impressed us very much. Called an Auric Large cabinet, it was very spacious, yet closed into a compact closet-like state. So, we placed an order for it, and in a month, the cabinet was on our doorstep. Mom was skeptical initially, but soon, she softened up, and I suspect that happened because now, her kitchen cabinets are completely free, and no vagrant bottles can be spotted in the household.
You can see how spacious it is
We now have a single place to adore our collection, show it off to guests, and enjoy a few glasses whenever we want to, all thanks to Wooden Street.