I was never a admirer of the woodland brand. They were always the bulky, no shape and zero style shoes to me . but I was pleasantly surpirsed by their formal range woods.
I picked up 2 pairs . was tempted to pick three, at healthy price tag of Rs 5000 a pair. But the appeal of the shoes lasted only one week. It was a worst purchase I ever made.
The shoes lack quality for the price it asks - the broough pair i bought lost shape on the toe. in one week. Anyone would expect a shoe to hold its shape if it cost whopping 5 grand. Woods disappointed me . they were no better than a nehru place or palika bazaar pair, which have no quality.
What was more annoying - was the atitude of the salesman at the shop, who refuses to listen to my complaints and was rude. Woodland will remain another brand which deserves a lot to be desired. I feel like laughing at the statement made by their MD - "No matter how big we grow, the core philosophy behind the product will be stringent quality checks" - Crap.