Below communication is self explanatory. WOODLAND after selling poor quality product doesnt accept this and penalizing customers. Before buying this product you have to put your self esteem on stake. Please go through it and need your view on this. Dont be surprised if they didnt pay any attention to your request. For customers WOODLAND is blind, deaf but not dumb because it has a voice recorder which will give you the same reply for your every query. How to get rid of this problem?
Fw: Product and Service Issue: Anil Sharma. Today at 3: 33, Photostree211.gif tree2111.gif tree21112.gif butterfly_ top23.gif butterfly_ bottom34.gif butterfly_ top5.gif butterfly_ bottom6.gif butterfly_ top.gif butterfly_ bottom.gif Download All
Dear Sir,
Thanks for your prompt reply. After seeing your unfavorable reply I feel very disappointed to take up this matter with you. At last without providing resolution to my complaint you simply get out of this problem with apology and asking me to go to your store. I do not need your apologetic behavior but simply asking you to solve my basic problem and to clear my doubts/ answer my questions. Rather than this I received your mail which leads to disappointment with no proper resolution of complaint. The store in-charge was already confident about this type of customer care i.e. why he openly challenged me to complaint anywhere even advised to take legal action against WOODLAND. I am not asking for undue advantage from you but definitely ask for value for money for a single rupee spent at your store. I again request you to provide me the details of WOODLAND higher authority for further escalation. Else you keep Rs. 3000/- in your pocket if you think that this money will surely going to make huge profit to WOODLAND after selling poor quality product.
Thanks & Regards,
Anil Kumar Sharma.
From: Customer care
To: Anil Sharma
Sent: Saturday, October 26, 2013 5:37 PM
Subject: Re: Product and Service Issue.
Dear Customer,
Thanks for your mail. We really apologize for the inconvenience caused to you but we would not be able to assist you in this matter further.
Yours Sincerely,
Customer Care.
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-Original Message- From: Anil Sharma
Date: 26-10-2013 11:21:15
To: Customer care
Subject: Re: Product and Service Issue.
Dear Sir,
Again I have received the same reply from your end after explaining everything. Again I would like to highlight the point that there was no damage to the shoe by external factors. I purchased the shoe of my fit and comfort. But after due course of time it started creating trouble to me i.e. only because inferior material quality of the product. This is very well known fact to you also.
I am having the feeling that “abnormal wear- tear, size misfit, discomfort problems are the key features of your product as repeated in all your communications which must develop after the product use.” My dear sir let me tell you, I purchased these shoes for my comfort & not for facing all these troubles at the cost of my own dignity & hard earned money. How could I make you understand? I would like to have the answer of my question that " Does a customer has to pay the penalty for using inferior quality product that to be of world renowned brand WOODLAND & at the cost compromising his own self esteem?” The terms & conditions were not very well explained to me at the time of product purchase otherwise I wouldnt have purchased WOODLAND product after hearing rigid & customer’s un-friendly services.
The attitude & behavior of the store Incharge is blunt with oblivious comments. So do you really expect me to visit your store again? Looking forward for your kind support for considering 100% cost reimbursement or replacement of defective product with equal value new product. Else I request you to provide me the contact details of your higher authority for further escalation if this case is of beyond your limitations.
Thanks & Regards,
Anil Kumar Sharma.
From: Customer care.
To: Anil Sharma
Sent: Friday, October 25, 2013 11:43 AM
Subject: Re: Product and Service Issue.
Dear Customer,
We apologize for this inconvenience caused to you.
We would like to inform you that our warranty is for three months from the date of purchase & as per our terms and conditions there is no warranty against wear and tear, size misfit or discomfort problem, slippery once the shoe is worn.
All our terms & conditions are clearly mentioned behind the cash memo.
In this case we have already provided you with the best possible service & resolution, going further we will certainly assist you with any kind of repair work on your product.
For further assistance, kindly contact the concerned store.
Yours Sincerely,
Customer Care.
Lets make ecolution possible
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-Original Message-
From: Anil Sharma
Date: 24-10-2013 16: 46: 27
To: Customer care.
Subject: Re: Product and Service Issue Dear Sir, I understand the term wear & tear. But if the wear & tear happens due to the poor product quality then the benefit should go to the customer. Sir, I am not asking for any goodwill from you but definitely I would ask for the value of each single penny spent at your store. I do not feel any value for money for the services provided by Woodland. I am feeling victimized in this whole story. In case of any product material quality problem a customer acknowledge the same to the manufacturer and demand the favorable resolution. If Woodland is confident in his product & material quality then why shoes torn out from inside with injuries to my feet?
Sir, I strongly disagreed with your comment as "as per our terms and conditions there is no warranty against wear and tear, size misfit, discomfort problem, or slippery once the shoe is worn." If I am not mistaken these terms are stand for the normal wear & tear but not for the material quality related issue. The concerned store was not able to provide favorable resolution to my complaint & deducted 25% on actual cost of the product with oblivious comments & forced me to written communication. So I have contacted you to listen my request and give me proper resolution. Now at this juncture I am being asked to go through the terms and condition of the Woodland Shoe warranty.
At the time of product purchase I was verbally assured for resolution for kind of complaint on basis of WOODLAND International brand image. I was not explained about terms & conditions written on your invoice otherwise I would never like to visit your store for this poor WOODLAND product quality problem. Woodland could not simply get out of the problem by merely saying that your shoes are out of warranty for just over two days from warranty period. This problem arises gradually and taken up with WOODLAND appropriately when it goes beyond my patience. Does two days makes any difference for poor quality material product? I would not like to bear any cost for others mistakes. I know that my demand is right, genuine & this shoe material quality was far below the standards. Otherwise I will not raise my voice for justice. If this case is beyond your purview then please provide me the contact details of your higher authorities so that I will take up this matter suitably with them. I request you to take up this matter with WOODLAND higher authority for the suitable resolution.
Anil Kumar Sharma.
From: Customer care,
To: Anil Sharma.
Sent: Thursday, October 24, 2013 12:13 PM
Subject: Re: Product and Service Issue
Dear Customer,
We apologize for the inconvenience caused to you, as per our terms and conditions there is no warranty against wear and tear, size misfit, discomfort problem, or slippery once the shoe is worn .
We would also inform you that our warranty is only for 3 months from the date of purchase & your product is out .