I was searching for good formal leather shoes , friends suggested to go for Woodland .Prior to that I was using caterpillar leather shoes..those were very much comfortable and I used them since last 6 yrs without any trouble.
This time I took a risk for Woodland , bought a pair of Woodland leather shoes from Woodland, Aundh Pune in around 2800 , when I tried them inside showroom , they were looking fine while walk. After using for a day in office , it was very uncomfortable. I was feeling pain in my feet entire day...I went to showroom they simply told we can not change because you have used them, how any body can come to know about comfort level until he wears them.He told use with turkish socks, it means when you buy woodland shoes be in mind that socks should be special for wearing woodland shoes. He also told you are not used to, try 10-15 days everything would be fine.Even after 10-15 days I am not comfortable with shoes , when I wear them I suffer from pain.
I dont know what should I do after spending such amount on Woodland like brand, there is something wrong with woodland I think their quality has been down now.
I dont have any option to buy another pair of shoes and throw these shoes which is not easy for a middle class person to buy shoes in range 2500-3000 so frequently.
Now I have kept a promise with me , never try any woodland stuff even I will never enter any Woodland Showroom in my entire life.....
If I would have read the reviews on mouthshut about woodland earlier , I would never have bought that rubbish shoes which is waste of my hard earned money.
I would suggest everybody , think twice , thrice....before buying woodland leather shoes...they are really made of wood.