Shoes, slippers, jackets, wallets & other accessories whatever you buy from this brand is best in quality. After sales service is too good as they offer lifetime warranty for pasting, stitching on shoes. I bought a shoe which had some defect, I went to the showroom & guess what they kept it without asking for bill. They asked me for a maximum of 7 working days so that they can get it repaired & assured that they will take it back & replace me with whatever product I would love to go for.
After 3 days I got a call & they delivered back the repaired product to my residence, delivery person stays there & asked me to check if defect has been sorted out. I checked, found it comfortable & I wasnt able to see where the actual defect was. So hats off to their service. They always make long lasting products as the previous shoe I bought used for 3 years without even any issue of stitching & pasting, finally I got bored and given that shoe to a poor person. I have also bought a winter jacket & its been 2 seasons it is working perfectly fine, I will continue using the same for straight 3rd season.
The only problem with products of woodland is that they are little heavy in weight, and money is not an issue as products are long lasting. I suggest people to go & try WOODLAND at least once.