BEFORE YOU BECOME A MEMBER THINK TWICE! as all that glitters is not gold!
This place sucks with wrong management team and rules they have or make which is not member friendly at all. They dont care whether a member comes to the club and has a good time or not all they are interested is to make money and rip members inspite of their the POOR service and Lousy rules.
Which place makes you wait for 1 hour to have your dinner in spite of being at the bar section for a drink as they do not serve dinner at the bar section(Weird but true and I dont see any reason to have seperate section). They dont even serve sandwiches at the bar section, this is ridiculous but true! Just imagine you have to wait for over an hour to have your sandwich after your drink as you need to get a table at the restaurant!.
Any amount of complaints or requests to change the rules and make it member friendly falls on the DEAF ears of the LOUSY management team. Good luck to all the new members or people looking at becoming a member and they are least BIT Bothered. This is the only club which functions without taking members advice, having member friendly rules and functions with an wrong attitude towards its members.
Also the membership has been sold since last 3 years stating there are only 8 or 10 or few memberships left and after which they will stop! The club is getting overcrowded and service is diminishing.Weekends there is no place for any activity as its completely crowded and management is not inclined or willing to make alternative arrangements atleast on the weekends to accommodate members.THEY SIMPLY DONT CARE!