This is my personal opinion which I shared here. I experienced this website personally then I reviewed.
I browsing this website 2 months ago. After seeing this website interface I was not attracted enough but their products pics was very attractive.Then I ordered a mens casual suit. They said to me that they delivered my product in 4-5 business days.After 10 days when I m not received my product. I contact to them, they respond me after 11 days. And after 15 days of responding I received my product. But it was mismatched with the website pics.
Customer Service: Customer service of this website is very bad as they never involved with the customers.They are not satisfied with their customers.
Product Quality: The products quality of this app is looks very rich but actually it has very poor quality.
Delivery Timelines: It takes total 30 days for delivery the product.
Apps and Websites: Apps and websites are not good enough as like as othe websites.
Reliability: They are unsatisfied with their customers. They never reliable with us.
So I m not recommend You to go to this site and waste your precious time and money.Thank You if You like my reviews then give it a thumbs up.