Hello buddies,
Wooplr.com, sounds cool. Right? But wait, I have to share a lot with you all and that isnt really cool about this website. I visited this website sometimes without paying any attention as you know many links get clicked by mistake and you find yourself on a website. This website is one of them, it uses these cheap tricks to make you a visitor of their website without your consent.
By the way, this is not the only thing that is to be concerned about. They got lots of misdeeds which I will share here. Finally, after tumbling there from different indirect links, I decided to use wooplr.com and that was the worst decision of my life. Starting from their products, the products seem good after zooming the picture in and out or by reading the description, features, etc, but that is not what they deliver. The quality that you see in the image section of a product and the quality of the product you get delivered has a huge difference. Mark my word huge difference.
Let me clarify! For instance( it really happened) : I ordered a pair of trousers as I found them really cool according to its image given on the website but after ordering they firstly disappointed me by delivering it too late and after the delayed delivery, I controlled my anger thinking that its ok! good things take time but I was wrong the quality of those trousers were very bad. The word bad cant describe what I felt at that time .The trousers seemed very old and they were fragile too. I mean value for money has no relation with wooplr.com. They are just faking it all around. What you see and what you get has no relation. It is something like showing American diamonds behind the shroud of Real diamonds.
They have written on their website which you can check that we offer free returns. Free returns! This is a dilemma. Nothing will be returned as they dont even respond to your emails.
I had a bad experience. I wish you people have a good experience which seems to be a bit difficult thing to happen.
Thank you!
: )