[Question :-> Whats the only permanent, fool-proof method of
increasing your Vocab?
Answer :-> The same method you used in early childhood!
And, what was this method?
You listened
You practiced
You made errors and corrected them.
But, unfortunately ...
As the average high scool senior or college student or a software
You now learn no more than 25-50 wordds in a year(Can you think 5
new words you have learned in this last month?)
What happened to that fast larning, obsessively acquistive child you
once were?
What happened was this ...
You lost the fierce need to learn and know.
But, is that level adequate?
Apparently not. --Norman Lewis]
Finally, my personal experience tells me the best place to practice
your vocab is an eGroup.
A member isn`t visible to parry a blow by other member. Vocab-
building should be a truely prevalent practice. Some of us might
feel this an ominous behavior of mine. But, guy like me should
be an indefatigable. Its kinda endless loquacity. Some of us might
feel he is an incorrigible member and some of us feel a notorious
demagogue. It is required if you wanna live an affluence. Some of us
but not all of us are gourmets. Vocab-building shouldn`t be a
clandestine mission :-). Here, we should not vacillate and should be
circumspect. Some of us are taciturns. I am not trying to malign
someone. Some of us might feel vicarious enjoyment. Luckily nobody
is truely iconoclast here. I am just a tyro in vocab-building
mission. Always waiting for your laconic reply :-). Sometimes
some new members suddenly created anomalous situations here. PG was
never a martinet in yr 2k. I guess, we all are somewhere gregarious
persons. None is an inveterate smoker here. None is disparaging my
efforts. But, someone might equivocate. Really, some difficult words
used by you guys always titillate me. Not expecting any adulation
here. My mama proscribed coke in my lunch :-(. My this practice will
certainly obviate the fear of my failure in GMAT. None is maligning
nobody here. No error is serious enough not to be condoned. So many
times my mama is angry and I am trying to placate her. Without
proper words sometimes we are inarticulate and sometimes garrulous.
And, when we copy someone we turned out to be banal. Here, I am
always verbose and sometimes voluble and sometimes cogent but never
vociferous. None is truely loquacious here. I might turn out to be
notorious as of my shoddily composed mails. But, wanna turn out to
be consummate in what I am longing for. Few of us might feel he is
now incorrigible and other might feel an inveterate. All of us have
some congentital behaviors. Some of them are chronic. Very rare
of them are pathological and unconscionable. Here, I might turn out
to be egregious. Sycophants are in all the eGroups also dilettantes
but rarely imposters. I guess, all of us are chauvinists. Sometimes
I guess never :-) I acted like monomaniac. I guess, we all are
iconoclasts someway or the other but none is an atheist and lecher
also. Hypochondriacs seem to be utter funny when they claim to have
ulser. Convivial guy seems to be a truely lovable. Here, I seem to be
a truely indefatigable when it comes to vocab-building. We all were
ingenuos when we were children but only some of us are ingenious and
perspicacious now. Only very few among us are magnanimous. Some of
us are versatiles, intrepids and stoicals. We all are urbane and
only some of us are scinttilating. And, none is egoist and egotist.
Some of us are introverts and some are extrover and others ambiverts
but truely none is altruist. Also, none is misanthrope and none is
misogynist and xenophobe here. Some of us are rich enough to have
obsequious. And, none would lead an ascetic life. Some of us are
truely querulous and some of us are truely supercilious. Those who
are alsways in need are called impecunious. Some boys here are
truely chivalrous. Some are innocuous and some bibulous and
sometimes someone turned out to be cadaverous and they turned out to
be dolorous. And, after the marriage we all need to meet
gynaecologist also paediatrician and obsetrician. In bad times we
all need dermatologist and/or opthalmolosgist and/or orthopaedics
and/or psychiastrist accordingly.
Vocab building is driving me crazy. :-)
Aashish Payal
ps:-> hey if you are really serious abt increasing your
vocab I have some suggestions for ya. Apart from 1)All abt
words by Maxwell Nurnburg and Moris Rosenblum. 2)Joy of
vocab building by Levine & Levine there is this must buy
book 3)Word power made easy by Norman Lewis.