"Word Power Made Easy “ The title really matches the content
of the book. It’ll make your journey for learning vocabulary not only easy but
concrete as well! I was strongly recommended this book by many intellectual
people when I was a dedicated CAT aspirant! I did this book once. And then
twice…. and then thrice…. Now again I wish I had a book that was updated
version of Word Power Made easy by the same author. I bought this book thrice
in a single year, because there’re so many test and so much to write(you can’t
do all this for 3times and rubbing the entire book seemed so funny). This is
one book where you can invest your time and be sure that you’ll reap great
What’s the issue? Is
it a vocabulary booster? Certainly yes! And much more than that! The author
touches the crux of the English language. Here we’re taught the most difficult
roots(etymologies) in the most simple manner. The author tells in a language
that’s extra-ordinarily simple and lively(the examples and instances that he referred
will make you laugh many times). I even felt as if I’ve an expert English teacher,
who’s not only teaching me, taking my numerous tests but also helping me in a
concrete manner. One tends to become more conscious for new words. Earlier new words
used to pass by, and I never took notice of them.
Structure of the book
- First of all, like all authors, Mr. Noram Lewis praises his book(well this
is common for most of the self help books, it’s quite irritating at times, but you won’t regret after reading it)
followed by an initial test! when I took
this test I was completely ignorant of words
and had real tough time taking it, which left me broken hearted! Never
the less this initial test will help you
compare your scores for three comprehensive test. From my experience I strongly
recommend you not to leave even a single test. In all there’re 47 sessions divided
broadly into three levels or three parts(16 chapters on a variety of fields
like science, types of personalities, speech habits etc….)
*Why should I read it?
*If I start writing the uses of good vocabulary, that’ll bore you endlessly. But we
all know how important a powerful vocabulary is. It’s suitable for people of
all age groups. After stepping in teen age, this book can be read and
understood by all age group people. The author acts like a Santa and has words(words
symbolizes gifts) for everybody! It’ll give a confidence, a consciousness to
understand the new word(you’ll have enough idea about the roots, prefixes and suffixes).
I remember how much I used to shock my fellow friend even at college level by
use of big words(misogynist, misanthrope, vociferous, grandiloquence etc……)if
you’ve left your education way back, I’d still recommend this book to revive
your language
How’ll it Help me?- other
than giving you a store of numerous words,
it’ll surely help you in improving spellings, grammar, pronunciation and lastly
how to avoid being verbose and give laconic answers! As I’ve already
mentioned, even after years of finishing this book, you’ll be Word-Conscious. I’m
still very attach to this book and look forward to reading more from this book
*Don’t read this book
!** Am I sounding strange? Well, so does the author says about the book. Different
people follow different reading habits, some read slow, some read at a speed
which is high to superlative degree, some’re regular readers and some’re
irregular readers. Whatever respective reading habits you’ve acquired, the
author recommends, not to read this book with your regular reading habits. Each
session takes on an average 25-35 minutes including the time for tests. Do one
session at a time, or at the most two sessions. For first time readers I’d recommend
do one session at a time, and go slow at a speed that’ll help you grab the
contents. Time spent on reading this book is time invested! After each session
there’re fun tests which’re in the form of true-false, etymology recall,
matching the right words, filling the right word. Well it may be sounding as if,
this is a book not for Adult readers, rather
a book for third standard student. Don’t measure my words at their face value. These
tests will certainly help you retain the etymology and the difficult(sometimes
trying) spellings. But taking these session test is fun!
Few drawbacks – I
love this book intensely, yet there’re few things that I strongly dislike about
it. The author(and/or publisher) is sleeping from past 13-14years. It was
revised in 1993 and after that there’re only reprints of the book and no updates. secondly
In last chapter i.e. chapter 16, one can hardly understand anything as the
author didn’t throw much light on each of new words that he introduced(probably
he was in a hurry to finish the book;) or must have thought that by now his
readers have grown wise and mature.) and lastly he has provided us with his
strange “ Word List – Dictionary of Difficult words” I was captivated by the beauty
for this book for 3 times, but this silly word list couldn’t grab my attention
even for a single day!( I doubt if people are paying attention to this word
At the end, I’m really satisfied with it and recommend it
to everybody! it’ll help you overcome the phobia of words and if you love
language – this book is a bless for you! Trust me!
happy Reading!