I am listening for last two years. Would like to put my points below
1. Programs: Excellent especially Carnatic and Hindustani classic music and western music. Some Bangalore based channels will annoy you with their so called RJs. I dont understand an RJ s role with these. I guess providing a job is important here rather than caring about customers peaceful listening. But I would say some RJs especially in UP Country, 20 channel is very nice. Guess he is a non Indian. Knows what listeners really want.
2. Hardware: Pathetic design.: I am really want to meet the person who designed the reciever. (Using BPL DIVA). There are many serious problem. One is the antenna. It cant be fixed with inclination. I am suffering climbing up to top floor and adjusting it after seeing TDM GONE message greeting me quite often.
And other major problem is the antenna cable and connector with the reciever. There is no proper connector with the antenna cable and the receiver back. In the receiver end its a screwing in type. But with the antenna cable its like a push-in type. This is not at all a good way to connect a signal cable.
And length of the thin co-axial cable provided with the antenna is just 5 metres. That means all the customers must be living on the top floor or a single floor house. What a great design! There is no option for lengthy cable antenna even for extra charge!.
In case your roof is little high as in my case(living at the ground floor), you need to buy normal thick co-axial cable with extra charge and make extra joints wherein you loose a lot of signal strengh. Most of the time the signal will be very weak and you see TDM GONE message on the receiver. So bad design I would say. I will slap the person who designed this.
Another one not major, the old BPL DIVA receiver is bulky(which has a small pcb inside) they should have used a much more compact package. I guess this is another marketing trick showing customers a big thing giving a false impression of carrying a lot of stuff inside the box.
The remote control with the reciever is worst I have ever seen including some chinese goods.
3 Value for money. Its really highly priced as far as Indian market is concerned. 1800 per year is too much. I would say 1000 is the best pricing for this.
4 Customer care: Not bad. But if you need any technician at your premises to check the receiver installation and it cost you too much. This must be free once in a year. Otherwise no issues from my experience.